Thursday, May 22, 2014

Everyone has to start somewhere

After recently (kind of) getting myself centered with school ending, a new job, and an actual plan as to what I am going to do in the near future, I have finally sorted out what really matters in my life and who does. The little things don't bother me anymore, I love hanging out all day in bed with my cat as much as I love a good sushi date with my friends, I put more effort into being with my family, and I have learned to prioritize. Even after all that though, I have struggled with one of the most common battles amongst women - my weight. From being my most fit sophomore year of high school, playing 3 sports, to wear I am no...I am so unhappy and frankly sick of looking/feeling the way I do and only complaining or worrying about it. I'm not going to lose weight by pinning a bunch of smoothie recipes on Pinterest or looking through pages of fitspo blogs on tumblr. I used to be able to make as many excuses as I wanted - "I need new sneakers" "I don't have a gym membership" "My mom doesn't cook/buy anything healthy" - but I'm finally owning up and putting down my foot. It's starting with my own kind of motivation. I'm happy with myself and who I am as a person, now I just want the outside to glow and reflect who I am on the inside. I've always loved sports and playing them. I ran a 5K in the past and placed in the Top 10 of my age group, I played softball, soccer, and volleyball throughout high school, and played on my college's volleyball team. I was no exception to the "Freshman 15," my parents and brother are all overweight, and I am the queen of not eating all day just to binge at night while watching Sex and the City, THIS on top of the Thursday-Saturday binge drinking fests every week with the entire school population and all-nighters in the library. I DID NOT live a healthy lifestyle AT ALL. Unfortunately, it not only caught up to me in the form of added LBs, but I fell pray to cardiac arrest caused by myocarditis and pericarditis leaving me out of school and in my family's doting arms to fawn over me with food and bed rest for 4 months. I lost all stamina that I had and was terrified to even attempt running or working out after that for fear that I wouldn't be able to do it or something would happen. My major setback is insecurity. I don't like the way I look now, so how am I going to look bouncing around on a treadmill or trying to do a workout and it being either A) completely wrong or B) I look stupid doing it. Basically, due to a number of factors, I have gained 60lbs over the past 4 years and continue to gain weight. I went from a size 10 to a size 16 and have never been so disgusted at the sight of myself. So, I'm finally taking the plunge and hopefully writing about it will make me STICK to it. I'm praying that God can give me the will power and discipline to push myself harder than I ever have, so I can be something I've never been. I made up a list of things I need to buy/do in order to motivate myself, below.

New Sneakers (for comfort, my old ones were so painful)
1 New Workout Outfit
New Water Bottle
Make a Healthy Grocery List
Flexible Meal Plan (I work at a bakery 8-10 hours a day, so I either don't get a break to eat or I bring home a cinnamon bun at the end of the night)
Gym Membership (24hr fitness center because I like going very late at night)
Couch to 5K & Workout Routine
Make Short Term and Long Term Goals
Find a Fun Way to Track Weightloss
Make a Kick Ass Playlist to Workout to

I am hoping that within the next week or so, I can start my gym membership and begin the journey to a new me that I can be proud of

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